Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Thursday, December 23, 2010
[新作品] EnergyEmpire - 全球第一款iPhone多人即時戰略遊戲 (免費)

這是全球第一款遊戲讓玩家可以跟朋友們或不認識的玩家在手機上玩即時對戰, 也可以一起同盟互相幫忙防守家園.
玩法很容易上手, 一開始蓋 (1) 主堡, (2) 能源研發中心, (3) 武器研發中心, 然後多蓋一些 (4) 電廠生產能源


等到能源夠多之後就可以出去痛扁島外(上下左右)附近的玩家, 生一些飛機坦克攻擊對方的砲塔

當然,也要記得防守自己的主堡, 多蓋些砲塔跟能源防護罩來防守, 不然一旦被報復是無法招架的!
要常用Buzz(閃電), 每天系統會自動送5個閃電, 閃電可以用來補血, 加速蓋東西, 加速生產, 加速升級, 加速研發科技...etc. 非常的好用, 記得要多用它!!
Buzz Store: 如果閃電不夠用, 可以到Buzz Store購買閃電包, 或是購買充電怪物讓你每天增加更多閃電!!

安裝資源:App Store

Wednesday, June 2, 2010
New game in app store: SpinPop
SpinPop is the game inspired from 'Hexic' with additional twist to speed up your heart rate!
The basic strategy is:
* Touch center of any 2x2 gem block to spin, then any gems with matched pattern will be popped.
* The basic pattern is more than 3 gems with same color in a row or column.
* Try to match special patterns, ex. 'T', '+', 'L', to pop entire gems in both row and column and double the scores!
The advanced strategy is:
* Use Monster Ball smartly: Match 4 gems with same color to get "Monster Ball" which will pop one row/column of gems in the direction it got spin out (it's 90 degree tangent to the spin direction). Try to match 5 gems with same color to get "Super Monster Ball" which will pop 3 rows/columns of gems!
* Time is money + domino effect: pop gem with star sign will increase time and also pop gems around it. Try to trigger chain reaction by arranging gems with star close to each other. Watch out for the bomb! It counts down every spin and will take away 45 seconds if it explodes.
* Invincible Fire Monster Ball: match 3 gems with star will get a "Fire Monster Ball" which will eliminate ALL the gem on screen!!!
1. 旋轉寶石並讓三個同顏色方塊連成一直線(要注意炸彈)

2. 火怪可以引爆畫面中所有的星星寶石,並產生連鎖反應

3. 三眼球怪(五顆同顏色寶石可以產生它)一次可以吃掉三排寶石

4. 單眼球怪(四顆同顏色寶石可以產生它)一次可以吃掉一整排寶石

5. 遊戲主畫面: 有auto save跟continue的功能,萬一來電打斷可以再繼續

Official site: http://spinpop.ifunplay.com
Purchase: App Store
Price: USD$0.99
The basic strategy is:
* Touch center of any 2x2 gem block to spin, then any gems with matched pattern will be popped.
* The basic pattern is more than 3 gems with same color in a row or column.
* Try to match special patterns, ex. 'T', '+', 'L', to pop entire gems in both row and column and double the scores!
The advanced strategy is:
* Use Monster Ball smartly: Match 4 gems with same color to get "Monster Ball" which will pop one row/column of gems in the direction it got spin out (it's 90 degree tangent to the spin direction). Try to match 5 gems with same color to get "Super Monster Ball" which will pop 3 rows/columns of gems!
* Time is money + domino effect: pop gem with star sign will increase time and also pop gems around it. Try to trigger chain reaction by arranging gems with star close to each other. Watch out for the bomb! It counts down every spin and will take away 45 seconds if it explodes.
* Invincible Fire Monster Ball: match 3 gems with star will get a "Fire Monster Ball" which will eliminate ALL the gem on screen!!!
1. 旋轉寶石並讓三個同顏色方塊連成一直線(要注意炸彈)

2. 火怪可以引爆畫面中所有的星星寶石,並產生連鎖反應

3. 三眼球怪(五顆同顏色寶石可以產生它)一次可以吃掉三排寶石

4. 單眼球怪(四顆同顏色寶石可以產生它)一次可以吃掉一整排寶石

5. 遊戲主畫面: 有auto save跟continue的功能,萬一來電打斷可以再繼續

Official site: http://spinpop.ifunplay.com
Purchase: App Store
Price: USD$0.99

Monday, March 29, 2010
Friday, December 11, 2009
Tank Game v1.0 is ready in App Store

Application Description:
Tank Game is a iPhone 3D action game designed with sophisticated artificial intelligence to challenge your strategy thinking, tank aiming, and dodging skills. It is set in a town with invading enemy tanks. Your mission is to destroy those enemies as many as possible while getting survival as long as possible. The enemies are trained with artificial intelligence that knows to use outflanking tactics or surprise attack. An advice to succeed in this game is to keep moving and hitting aid gas cans for healing while aiming and firing enemies by rotating the tower.

- There will be 4 tanks at once. After you destroy one, a new tank will be born in somewhere of the town within 10 seconds.

- To heal your tank, there will be totally 8 aid gas cans scattered in the town for you to hit and repair. After you consume one, a new one will be created somewhere of the town within 20 seconds.
- A cannon reload takes about 2 seconds for next firing.

- There is a challenge to control both tank moving and tower rotating at the same time. Good luck for perfecting your aiming and dodging control skills.

The user interface brief: there are 3 circles on screen bottom:
1. Move: the left circle is for controlling tank moving: Left, Right, Forward, and Backward.
2. Fire: the middle circle is for firing the cannon.
3. Tower: the right circle is for rotating tower and cannon level for aiming: Left, Right, Up, and Down.

Notice: The view aspect always follows the tower/cannon direction so the tank direction is sometimes different from the tower/cannon direction. Please watch the hint of the moving directions on the ground for guidance.
Languages: English
Requirements: Compatible with iPhone and iPod touch, Requires iPhone OS 2.2.1 or later
歡迎來到勇虎坦克的戰鬥世界! 遊戲背景發生在一個被敵軍入侵的小鎮,敵坦克將源源不斷的湧入小鎮. 您的任務是儘可能得殲滅敵軍以保衛己方小鎮. 敵坦克經由人工智慧訓練, 學會使用迂迴包抄以及奇襲等戰術. 給您的建議是儘可能不斷地移動位置,在行進間轉動砲塔朝敵軍射擊.
- 同一時間,小鎮裏最多會有四輛坦克出現. 一輛遭擊毀之後會自動在10秒後在某處重生.
- 補充生命值的方法是去碰觸貼有紅十字的油桶, 被碰觸的油桶會在30秒後在某處重生.
- 砲彈發射之後, 需耗時2秒重新裝填始可再射擊.
- 您需克服手腦並用的操作挑戰以同時控制坦克行進以及旋轉砲塔. 祝您可以熟練快速閃躲同時行進間射擊的高超技巧.
注意: 游戲鏡頭是跟隨著砲塔方位而旋轉, 有時坦克行進方向會跟砲塔方向不同, 這時可以觀看地上的車行方位指示.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
5 app stores under the microscope
Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
5 app stores under the microscope
View more presentations from stuartdredge.
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